Official Government Website

NABP is the independent, international, and impartial association that assists its member boards and jurisdictions for the purpose of protecting the public health.

Boise City Police, Ada County Sheriffs Office, Meridian Police, Garden City Police, & Eagle City Police offer Medication Collection Sites “No Questions Asked” at respective law enforcement headquarters. For detailed information about these sites please visit:

Also see: Statewide Prescription Drug Take-Back Program

Southworth Associates Pharmacists Recovery Program
A confidential alternative for impaired pharmacists suffering from substance use disorders, mental health issues or behavioral problems.

Idaho Care Line
For various personal and family needs.

FDA Consumer Information
Information from the US Food and Drug Administration.

Disposal of Unused Medication
Information from the US Food and Drug Administration regarding proper disposal of prescription and over the counter medications.

Please follow this link for licensing and inspection forms.
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