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Idaho Board approves Credit Relief Initiative Recommendation
Wednesday November 8, 2023Terrific news, in response to significant health, economic, education, and travel disruptions resulting in CPA Examination candidate hardships – coupled with anticipated negative impacts associated with the launch of a new Uniform CPA Exam on Jan. 1, 2024, the Idaho State Board of Accountancy at its’ October 19, 2023 meeting voted to consider individual candidate requests to extend credit periods through June 30, 2025, for CPA Examination credits with credit expiration from January 30, 2020 through December 31, 2023, which have not been subsequently replaced by new credits for the same section(s).
The Board is continuing to work with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) to develop communication with those impacted by the decision. Communications will come via email to those addresses on file with the Idaho State Board of Accountancy. This piece of communication will contain a one-page form to apply. These extensions will not be automatic, a candidate must apply to participate.
As the Idaho Board receives more information with its partner, NASBA, it will be posted on the ISBA website. The Board thanks you for your patience as it works through the process to make this as stress free as possible for the candidate.
Stay tuned for more details to follow.
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