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Notice regarding Licensed Midwifery
Thursday June 27, 2024Pursuant to section 54-5504, Idaho Code, the Board of Midwifery was dissolved effective July 1, 2024. To ensure the continued licensure of midwives, this year the Idaho Legislature passed H0437, placing the regulation of midwifery within the Board of Nursing. This means, going forward, licensed midwives will be licensed by the Idaho Board of Nursing, and that Board will be the discipline and investigation authority for the profession of midwifery. It does not mean that midwives will practice nursing or nurse midwifery, with the exception of Certified Nurse Midwives. The scope of licensed midwifery, and the rules regulating the profession, remain unchanged.
The legislation also amended the composition of the Board of Nursing: That board will now consist of five registered nurses (RN), two licensed practical nurses (LPN), two advanced practice registered nurses (APRN), two licensed midwives (LM), and a public member. Under the authority of the Division Administrator, a midwifery advisory committee is being established. This committee, which will consist of three licensed midwives, a physician, and a public member, will make recommendations to the Board of Nursing involving the licensure, discipline, and regulation of licensed midwives.
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