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Provider Bridge Registration Information
Thursday March 7, 2024Provider Bridge Supports States’ Emergency Preparedness and Response
Provider Bridge is a free-to-use technology platform that maintains a comprehensive registry of health professionals that can be accessed expeditiously to prepare for and respond to local, regional, or national emergencies.
Joining the Provider Bridge platform allows you to create and own a time-stamped, digital report (“passport”) that includes your name, provider type, professional school, and graduation date, NPI, state license number(s), specialty or area of practice, and DEA registration(s), as well as any disciplinary history. Each license is verified via data sharing with the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA), the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), and the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).
Provider Bridge also allows entities, including state medical and nursing boards, hospitals, healthcare institutions, public health offices, and emergency management entities to search for verified medical professionals who are willing to assist in an emergency or deploy to a disaster site. Additionally, entities can verify the credentials of state-based registrants as well as those professionals in other states.
Registration is free at the following link:
What to Expect After Registering for Provider Bridge
Once you have registered for Provider Bridge, there are no additional steps you need to take. You can generate a certified pdf of your passport to present at an emergency site. Healthcare entities can add registrants to their provider list, pull Provider Bridge passports, and contact providers (unless a licensee chooses to opt out of allowing entities to find their profile). In the event of a national or state emergency, an entity can reach out to providers to determine if they are available and willing to provide health care services.
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