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“Request for Approval” applications for pre-licensure education, or continuing education offerings no longer needed
Friday July 26, 2024The Idaho Physical Therapy Licensure Board is no longer preapproving continuing education offerings or courses to be taught. Please follow the rules for continuing education:
- Contact Hours. The contact hours of continuing education must be obtained in areas of study
germane to the practice of physical therapy and for which the licensee is issued a certificate of completion or
transcript. - Documentation of Attendance. The applicant must maintain documentation verifying attendance by securing authorized signatures or other documentation from the course instructors, providers, or sponsoring Institution substantiating any hours attended by the licensee.
Refer to the Continuing Education Guidance Document for additional information.
- Accountancy
- Acupunture
- Athletic Trainers
- Barber and Cosmetology Services
- Building and Factory Built Structures
- Chiropractic Physicians
- Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists
- Damage Prevention
- Dentistry
- Denturitry
- Dietician
- Drinking Water and Wastewater Professionals
- Driving Business
- Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators
- Examiners of Residential Care Facility Administrators
- Genetic Counselors
- Maternal Mortality Review
- Medicine
- Midwifery
- Naturopathic Health Care
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Optometry
- Outfitters and Guides
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Assistants
- Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
- Psychologist Examiners
- Public Works
- Real Estate Commission
- Respiratory Therapy
- Shorthand Reporters
- Social Work Examiners
- Speech, Hearing and Communication Services
- Veterinary Medicine