Official Government Website

Additional Board Information


The National Counselor Examination (NCE) and the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination (NCMHCE) are now offered via computer at various locations around the country.

To register for the NCE or NCMHCE click

Q:  How do I send my exam scores to the Board?
A:  You may contact NBCC to request your test score to be sent to the Idaho Board of Professional Counselors.


The exam is through the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB).

You must submit the Intent to Sit for the National Marriage and Family Therapy Examination application, fee, and official transcripts showing the date the master’s degree has been conferred at least two (2) weeks prior to the AMFTRB application deadline for the exam which you are planning to take.

Information regarding the exam can be found by clicking the following links:

Your Exam Roadmap – AMFTRB

Scheduling Your Exam

English Language Learner Special Arrangements Request Form

Q: What information should be on a Consent Form?
A: Please review the Informed Consent Guidelines.

Q: Will the Board issue a temporary license?
A: No. Temporary licenses are not issued.

Q: Will the Board pre-approve my courses before I apply for licensure?
A:  No, the Board does not pre-approve coursework for licensure and will not review the course syllabi until the following is received:

    • A complete application, including fees;
    • Official passing score for the National Counselor Exam (NCE) sent directly from the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC);
    • Official transcripts showing conferral of a degree in counseling, marriage and family therapy, or a closely related field;
    • 60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits that at a minimum include one (1) year of an advanced counseling practicum with at least 280 hours of direct client contact and successful completion of one (1) graduate-level course unique to the eight (8) CACREP areas in counseling education which are:
      1. Human growth and development: Includes studies that provide a broad understanding of the nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels. Emphasis is placed on psychological, sociological, and physiological approaches. Also included are areas such as human behavior (normal and abnormal), personality theory, and learning theory.
      2. Social and cultural foundations: Includes studies of change, ethnic groups, subcultures, changing roles of women, sexism, urban and rural societies, population patterns, cultural mores, use of leisure time, and differing life patterns.
      3. The helping relationship: Includes philosophic bases of the helping relationship: Consultation theory and/or an emphasis on the development of counselor and client (or consultee) self-awareness and self-understanding.
      4. Groups: Includes theory and types of groups, as well as descriptions of group practices, methods dynamics, and facilitative skills. It includes either a supervised practice and/or a group experience.
      5. Lifestyle and career development: Includes areas such as vocational-choice theory, relationship between career choice and lifestyle, sources of occupational and educational information, approaches to career decision-making processes, and career-development exploration techniques.
      6. Appraisal of the individual: Includes the development of a framework for understanding the individual, including methods of data gathering and interpretation, individual and group testing, case-study approaches and the study of individual differences. Ethnic, cultural, and sex factors are also considered.
      7. Research and evaluation: Includes areas such as statistics, research design, and development of research and demonstration proposals. It also includes understanding legislation relating to the development of research, program development, and demonstration proposals, as well as the development and evaluation of program objectives.
      8. Professional orientation: Includes goals and objectives of professional counseling organizations, codes of ethics, legal consideration, standards of preparation, certification, and licensing, and role of identity of counselors.

If you have earned a degree from a non-CACREP Accredited counseling graduate/master’s program, you must submit with your application the syllabus for each course in your program. The Board will review each course syllabus to ensure that the coursework meets the eight common core areas of the CACREP curricular experience as well as an advanced counseling practicum.


Q: If I need more courses what should I do?
A: Determine the curriculum areas where you require more courses to complete your requirements and then determine which educational institution you want to attend.  Rule 100.01.a requires that the institution be accredited.

Click here to visit.

To make an online disciplinary actions payment, please click here.

NamePositionExpirationOriginal Appointment

Related Links:

What does a regulatory Board do?

How to Become a Board Member?

The license/registration issued
to you by the Division is public proof that you are entitled to pursue certain
activities regulated by Idaho Law.  If your license/registration becomes
lost or destroyed, you may
print a new copy through your Online Services account.  


APPLICATION FEE                                                                     100.00
ORIGINAL LICENSE FEE                                                           100.00


APPLICATION FEE                                                                     100.00
ADMINISTRATIVE FEE                                                               25.00
ORIGINAL LICENSE FEE                                                           100.00

INTERN APPLICATION                                                             25.00


LICENSE RENEWAL – CURRENT YEAR                                  120.00
REINSTATEMENT PENALTY – CURRENT YEAR                     35.00


DUPLICATE LICENSE FEE                                                        10.00
CERTIFICATION FEE                                                                 10.00

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