Official Government Website

Filing a Complaint

Please be sure to include the following information with your complaint:

  • Your name, home address and phone number, work or other daytime phone number, and e-mail address if you have one;
  • The name, address, phone number, and profession of the individual you are complaining about;
  • The dates and sequence of events constituting your complaint;
  • The names of any witnesses to your complaint – especially other licensed/registered individuals you may have seen who can provide information or give a second opinion;
  • Any evidence such as written documents, contracts, or pictures (please do not submit original documents, copies are fine);
  • Any other information that you think would be of assistance to the investigation; and
  • Your signature on the complaint form.

When your complaint is received by IDOPL, it is reviewed to determine whether an investigation should be conducted. In order to proceed with an investigation, IDOPL must determine whether (1) those involved are under the jurisdiction of the Board, and (2) the complaint related to the possible violations of the Board’s laws or rules.

If an investigation is warranted, the complaint is assigned to one of IDOPL’s investigators.  Once the investigation process is complete, the entire file is reviewed to determine whether further action is warranted. Possible action by the Board includes:

  • Closing the file without action;
  • Sending an advisory or educational letter;
  • Negotiating a settlement through a consent agreement; or
  • Filing formal charges and scheduling an administrative hearing.

We must receive your completed Complaint Form before we are able to take any action concerning your complaint.

We depend a great deal on individuals who, like you, who are willing to provide us with information concerning possible violations of Idaho regulatory laws. We cannot, however, act as a private attorney for those bringing complaints to our attention. Our role in any action arising out of a complaint is to act on behalf of all the people of Idaho. Several additional options may be appropriate for you in addressing your particular complaint:

  1. Your local Better Business Bureau may be able to assist you in mediating a dispute with a business.
  2. You may file an action in small claims court if the amount in controversy does not exceed $5,000.00.
  3. You may have a remedy available to you through a private lawsuit. If you do not have an attorney, you may contact the Idaho State Bar and request their referral service at:
    • Idaho State Bar
      PO BOX 895
      Boise, Idaho 83701
      (208) 334-4500
ver: 3.5.2a | last updated: