Official Government Website

Education > Providers

All CE and prelicense courses must be certified and offered through a certified provider. The Commission’s Education & Certification Policy outlines the requirements for offering real estate education in Idaho.

There are specific duties that apply to certified providers including the requirement to appoint a provider director. The provider director must take the Commission’s Provider Training within the 24 months immediately preceding the application to become a provider director and within 2 years of renewing provider certification.

Register to attend a provider training HERE.

Once Provider Training has been completed, you may submit a Provider Certification Application via DOPL’s Online Services.

Please note: The License Law and Rules booklet outlines many detailed requirements for certified providers. Failure to follow these requirements may result in withdrawal of the certification, or denial of course credit to the students

Click here to access the portal to schedule courses, create course rosters, and report student completions.

If you are a certified provider who wants to offer classes via an alternative delivery method, please familiarize yourself with the Minimum Standards for Alternative Delivery Methods, as found in the Education & Certification Policy.

Once you are familiar with the requirements, complete the Alternative Delivery Methods – Provider Application for approval.

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