Already Licensed in Another Jurisdiction
Idaho has no reciprocal or other license agreements with any jurisdiction. However, Idaho waives the national portion of the licensing exam, prelicense education, and broker experience requirements (if applicable) if you are licensed on active status in another state. You may obtain the same type of license in Idaho (salesperson or broker) as you hold in your primary state of licensure, unless your primary state is a “single licensure” state (everyone holds a broker license). If you are licensed in a “single licensure” state, you must hold a Principal or Designated Broker license to qualify for an Idaho broker license.
- Waiver: Order a certified license history from your primary state of licensure (typically takes 3 to 6 weeks). Ask the agency to mail the certified license history to you. Send the history to IREC with a completed Exam Waiver Request Form from the application page of the website to obtain a waiver of the national portion of the licensing exam. You will need to register for a candidate ID through Pearson VUE and note this on your waiver request form. The certified license history must show your license is on active status to receive a waiver. Certified license histories are good for 6 months from the date of issuance. Your waiver must be applied prior to scheduling an appointment to take the licensing exam. Otherwise, you are required to take both portions of the exam. No exceptions!
- Education: To be an Idaho Designated Broker, you must also take the Idaho Business Conduct and Office Operations (BCOO) course before you can be licensed. We recommend you take this class before you take the state exam. Go to the Education Lookup to search for available live and online BCOO courses. All other prelicense education is waived with the exam waiver.
- Exam: Read the Pearson VUE Candidate Handbook for more information on topics covered in the exams. See the Approved Textbook List for resources helpful in preparing for the exams. You can download the License Law and Rules Booklet and guidelines from this page. Schedule the exam appointment through Pearson VUE.
- Fingerprints: You must have your fingerprints taken for the background check even if you already hold an Idaho salesperson license. Fingerprints can take anywhere from 1 week to 12 weeks for processing. Read Pearson VUE’s Hard Card Fingerprint Submission Process and Fingerprint Privacy Statement on the application page of the website. Schedule the fingerprint appointment through Pearson VUE.
- E&O Insurance: The Commission has a group policy available through Rice Insurance Services Co., or ask your designated broker if you will be covered under a firm policy at the brokerage. Either way, you must have E&O coverage in place before your license can be activated.
- Application: Read and carefully complete the Salesperson Application Form or Broker Application Form on the application page of the website.
- You must send in a certified license history from your primary state of licensure with your application. If the history you used to obtain your exam waiver is more than 6 months old, you must obtain a new certified license history before REC can accept your application.
*VERY IMPORTANT* Be sure to answer every question and include all required attachments and the correct fee. REC cannot accept incomplete paperwork, and all incomplete paperwork will be returned to you.
Education Waivers
For applicants with a current active real estate license in another state or jurisdiction, applying for a waiver of the national portion of the licensing exam will also waive the applicable pre-license education. Use the Waiver Request form on the Apply for or Renew a License page of the website to apply.
For salesperson applicants who do not currently hold an active real estate license in another state or jurisdiction, there are no waivers of the salesperson pre-license education.
For broker applicants who do not currently hold an active real estate broker’s license in another state or jurisdiction, the following courses may be waived if you meet the qualifying criteria.
- If the applicant has a law degree, AND the applicant is currently practicing law, the following coursework will be waived upon applicant’s written request: Real Estate Law
- If the applicant is currently licensed as an appraiser, AND the applicant is currently actively practicing as an appraiser, the following coursework will be waived upon applicant’s written request: Valuation & Analysis
To request a waiver of the real estate law or valuation and analysis courses, submit a written request with your current mailing address to the Commission office at along with proof of current licensure.
Request for Official License Certification
Each state requires different forms of certification of licensure. Please check with the state where you are applying to see what is required before requesting information from Idaho. Certifications can be obtained two ways from Idaho:
- Free primary source verification of license status may be obtained via the web at license search. These certifications contain all public information. Please note that this is not considered a certified copy.
- Login to your IREC account and print your license history.
- If the receiving state doesn’t accept web-based certifications or requires additional information to be included in the certification, use the License Certification Form, which must include a $10.00 fee.