Fingerprint cards received Prior to a completed online application is submitted will only be held for 6 months. Following the 6 months the cards will be destroyed.

Options for obtaining a Fingerprint Card

Option 1 – Walk-In:
Contact local law enforcement agency, or fingerprinting company. If the agency/company does fingerprint services, they may also have fingerprint cards available.

Option 2 – By Mail:
Send an email to, to have a Fingerprint Packet mailed to the applicant. Include the full address with a full name, mailing address, and application type.

All applicants, no matter what option chosen above must either deliver to our or mail completed fingerprint card to our office. Scanned or faxed copies are never accepted. Do not bend or fold the card.

The Links below may be used for your reference:
Non-Criminal Justice Applicant Privacy Statement
Fingerprint Processing Instructions
Get your FBI Record Brochure