Official Government Website

Apply for or Renew a License

To apply for a Veterinary or Certified Veterinary Technician license in Idaho, contact the Board office at (208) 488-7530 or by email at to request an application packet.  The packet includes application, jurisprudence test, fingerprint card, Idaho Veterinary Practice Act, as well as the additional documents needed to complete the application process. 

For pro-rated fees, please visit the home page and click on Fees.

Qualifying Veterinarians have the ability to apply for an Endorsement license if they meet the requirements.  Endorsement license applications require less documents.  To learn about Veterinary Endorsement Licensure and its requirements, go to Idaho Statute 54-2107A here.

For Euthanasia information, click the “Committee on Humane Euthanasia” under the “Additional Board Information” on bottom of the homepage.

Applications are not available to be completed online. You will receive emailed PDF documents to print, complete and submit.  You will also receive a fingerprint card and envelope in the mail. 

To view a sample application form, click on the appropriate link at the bottom of the page. 
Do not complete these online applications.

If you have a criminal background and you are concerned that it could prevent you from becoming licensed in Idaho, click the link “Inquiry on Impact of Conviction Form” below, complete form and submit along with $25.00 fee to the Board  If you have questions, please call our office at 208-488-7530.

Applications are not processed until fees have been received.

To maintain a valid license, you must complete a renewal application before your license expiration date.

This renewal portal does NOT allow for use of a mobile device (e.g. iPad or phone). Please use a desktop computer or laptop.  Please do NOT use Internet Explorer 11.   Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Google Chrome are accepted web browsers for the renewal data system and the payment server.

If you receive an error or no receipt is issued upon completion of payment, DO NOT attempt another payment. Please contact our office at 208-488-7530 to verify if the payment was received.

2024 RENEWALS ARE NOW OPEN.  Please click the following link for renewal:


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