Official Government Website

Apply for or Renew a License

The Idaho Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors is a member of the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). Applicants for licensure are encouraged to provide their NCEES record ID at the time of application. An NCEES Record is a verified compilation of all information required within an application for licensure including transcripts, examination scores, references and license verification. The NCEES Record is accepted by all U.S. state licensing boards. Learn more at 

Application Information and Forms

Course Comparison Form

All P.E. and P.L.S. applicants will need a copy of the “Current Laws and Rules Pertaining to the Practice of the Professions of Engineering and Land Surveying” with each of the applications. You may print it from the link (it is approximately 60 pages). Enter the Application Wizard at the top of this page and, if you have an NCEES record, be sure to so indicate that.

If you were not originally licensed in another jurisdiction of the United States, or originally licensed in a licensing system currently considered equivalent by the Board, you must take and pass both NCEES examinations (FE and PE or FS and PS), meet the educational requirements, meet the experience requirements and provide your Social Security Number (SSN) on the application. 

If your engineering degree is not accredited by EAC/ABET then you may need a third-party evaluation of your academic credentials. Our Board accepts evaluations from the NCEES Credentials Evaluation Service

If you took an exam in another U.S. jurisdiction that is required for your Idaho application (all comity applicants and PE or PLS examination candidates who took their EIT/LSIT or FE/FS in another jurisdiction) please click Signup for an account and request verifications be sent to the Idaho Board – or simply fill-out the verification request forms in the packet and mail to the other Board.

If you were originally licensed in a Canadian Province, please have that Province verify your license and discipline status directly to the Idaho Board. If you were originally licensed as a the United Kingdom, please email the Engineers Council at and have your credential independently validated to the Idaho Board by the Engineering Council.

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