Q: What is the time frame for receiving a license once an application and required documentation is submitted?
A: Once the application is complete, it is reviewed for compliance with law and rule. If compliance is confirmed a license will be issued in approximately 3-5 business days. For those which require Board review, the time frame varies and is dependent on the date of the next scheduled Board meeting.
Q: What is the difference between a temporary license and a limited permit?
A1: A temporary license may be issued to an applicant who is currently licensed and in good standing to practice in another jurisdiction and meets the requirements for licensure by endorsement of the other jurisdiction while the application is being processed.
A2: A limited permit may be granted to a graduate occupational therapist or a graduate occupational therapy assistant who has completed the education and experience requirements and shall allow the practice of occupational therapy under supervision.
Q: Does Idaho have an inactive licensure status?
A: Yes, the Board shall grant inactive status to a licensee who makes application and pays the required fee. Use Request to Inactivate License.
Q: I have let my license lapse, what must I do to activate that license?
A: A license that has been lapsed less than five years may be reinstated upon submission of a renewal application together with the payment of renewal fees, a license re-instatement fee, and proof of completion of continuing education as required in the rules. If a license has been lapsed for more than five years, a new application for licensure is required.
Q: How do I request a duplicate license?
A: The license/registration issued to you by the Division is public proof that you are entitled to pursue certain activities regulated by Idaho Law. If your license/registration becomes lost or destroyed, you may obtain a replacement from the Division. A replacement may also be requested if you have changed your name or address and wish to receive a license/registration bearing the updated information.
You may complete the Application for Duplicate License form online, print it out and sign it, and send it with the fee required by Idaho law to the Division. Your application will not be processed unless the fee is received with the application. A replacement card will be sent to the mailing address.
Q: How do I document supervised hours for performing physical modalities and/or wound care? If I have already met this requirement, what documentation is necessary for me to have?
A: Documentation of supervision is the responsibility of the supervisee. The Board does not have specific recommendations for the manner in which supervision records are maintained. However, if it becomes necessary to provide evidence of supervisory hours, a written record must be provided. If the supervision was received prior to this record keeping requirement, proof of employment, with a description of the practice area/use of modalities, is sufficient.
Q: I would like to obtain a list of licensed occupational therapists and/or assistants? Is there one available and is there a fee?
A: Yes, you may obtain a licensure list from this website by clicking on the link entitled license and Registration Search. At the bottom of the search screen you will click on “Advanced Search.” Once you have entered in the appropriate licensing information and hit the “Start Search” option, you may click on the “Send to Excel” option. This will provide an excel spreadsheet containing information that is a matter of public record, including mailing addresses for the licensees. There is no fee.
Q: I am applying for licensure in another state, and they require verification of my license in Idaho. What is the process? How long will it take to process my request?
state requires different forms of certification of licensure. Please check with
the state where you are applying to see what is required before requesting
certification from Idaho. Certifications can be obtained two ways from Idaho, both through your Online Services account, they can be found under the
“Menu” option once logged into your account:
- A free Letter of Good Standing may be obtained through your Online Services Account. This letter contains
all public information (not exam scores).- From your online
profile select the “Menu” link in the tile of the license you want a
letter for. - Select “Request a
Good Standing Letter”.
- If the receiving state doesn’t accept web-based certifications or
requires information exempt from third-party disclosure (example: exam
scores) to be included in the certification, you will need to request a
Certified Licensure History Letter through your Online Services account.
There is a $10.00 fee for this service and you will be able to pay through
your online account.- From your online profile select the “Menu” link in the tile of the
license you want a letter for. - Select “Request a Certified Licensure History Letter”.
- You will be prompted to answer a question and proceed through a
payment process.
Q: Is continuing education required to maintain my Occupational Therapy License?
A: Continuing education is required to maintain a license to practice as an Occupational Therapy in Idaho. CE providers and/or licensees may obtain Board approval by submitting a completed Education Approval Application form (see Resource/Forms page).
Each Idaho licensed occupational therapist must sign an affidavit, certifying that the CE requirements have been met, before the license will be renewed. The affidavit appears on the renewal form. The Board will conduct random audits to ensure compliance with the continuing education requirements. Documentation of your completion of the required CE must be provided if requested. A listing of all continuing education courses completed during the previous two years AND proof of attendance documentation for each course.
Failure to submit the required documentation may result in Board action against your right to licensure.
Q: What continuing education is required to maintain my license and what courses are approved by the board?
A: See Board Rules
Q: Do continuing education courses/seminars require pre-approval by the Board?
A: No, if it meets the requirement in the Board Rules, it does not need to be reviewed by the Board.