PDMP Overview Idaho’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) collects specific information on controlled substance and opiate antagonist prescriptions dispensed in Idaho. To better understand how these medications are dispensed in Idaho communities, the following information is provided for Education and Research purposes.

PDMP Fast Facts

*Location based on patient residence (as reported by the dispenser). Population data from US Census. Dates based on when prescription was filled.

Idaho Controlled Substance Prescriptions

*Location based on patient residence (as reported by the dispenser). Population data from US Census. Dates based on when prescription was filled.

Idaho Opioid Prescriptions

*Location based on patient residence (as reported by the dispenser). Population data from US Census. Dates based on when prescription was filled.

Idaho Benzodiazepine Prescriptions

*Location based on patient residence (as reported by the dispenser). Population data from US Census. Dates based on when prescription was filled.

Idaho Stimulant Prescriptions

*Location based on patient residence (as reported by the dispenser). Population data from US Census. Dates based on when prescription was filled.

Unsolicited Reports

By Idaho Code 37-2730A, the Board of Pharmacy provides information to providers regarding patients meeting the below criteria after being filtered for exceptions, such as oncology. Each month, a patient must meet the following criteria:

  • Obtain controlled substances from 4 or more practitioners. 
  • Obtain controlled substances from 2 or more dispensers.

The following graphs are based on totals for every year (NOTE: the criteria above changed in 2020; previously 5 and 3 respectively).

Active PMPi Connections

PMPi is a hub enabling the sharing of PDMP data across states. Currently Idaho shares with 36 states, the territory of Puerto Rico, and the Military Health System. To learn more about PMPi and view additional interactive PMPi maps go to: www.pdmpworks.org

Drug Overdose Prevention Program

For more information on Idaho drug overdose data, see the Idaho Drug Overdose Data Dashboard. Dashboard and Data are available as a result of ongoing collaboration between different agencies.

Statistics Request

To make a request for statistical data from Idaho PDMP not found on this page, please make a request via email BOP-info@dopl.idaho.gov or phone (208) 334-3233.