Q: Where do I find the FAQs for prescriber mandatory checking of controlled substances?
Q: How do I check my application status?
A: Application status may be verified by clicking on the link here.
Q: I have let my license lapse, what must I do to activate that license?
A: A license that has been lapsed less than two years may be reinstated upon submission of a completed Application for Reinstatement of Canceled License together with the payment. If a license has been lapsed for more than two years, contact the Board of Dentistry.
Q: What are the requirements for dental hygienists continuing education?
A: All active status dental hygienists will be required to report thirty (30) hours of continuing education during the biennial renewal period. This is an increase of six (6) total hours every two years.
Q: Are dentists required to report a continuing education credit related to opioid prescribing?
A: All active status dentists were previously required to report one (1) continuing education credit related to opioid prescribing during their biennial renewal. Under the Board of Dentistry’s current rules, this is no longer a requirement.
The Board of Dentistry still recommends education regarding safe opioid prescribing to be valuable for all dentists and dental specialists in Idaho who prescribe opioids. The Idaho Board of Dentistry in conjunction with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, the Idaho Board of Pharmacy, and the Idaho Board of Medicine have developed a video, “Opioid Prescribing Guidelines and Use Of the Idaho Prescription Drug Monitoring Program” for your benefit.
Q: How do I request license verification?
state requires different forms of certification of licensure. Please check with
the state where you are applying to see what is required before requesting
certification from Idaho. Certifications can be obtained two ways from Idaho, both through your Online Services account, they can be found under the
“Menu” option once logged into your account:
- A free Letter of Good Standing may be obtained through your Online Services Account. This letter contains
all public information (not exam scores).
- From your online
profile select the “Menu” link in the tile of the license you want a
letter for. - Select “Request a
Good Standing Letter”.
- If the receiving state doesn’t accept web-based certifications or
requires information exempt from third-party disclosure (example: exam
scores) to be included in the certification, you will need to request a
Certified Licensure History Letter through your Online Services account.
There is a $10.00 fee for this service and you will be able to pay through
your online account.
- From your online profile select the “Menu” link in the tile of the
license you want a letter for. - Select “Request a Certified Licensure History Letter”.
- You will be prompted to answer a question and proceed through a
payment process.